Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Random Updates

Updates about China:

Whenever walking anywhere, whether it is along the rural streets or in the city, you will frequently hit this wall of sewage stench. I don’t know what it is with the sewage system here! There are manholes everywhere but they don’t hold the smell in like it does in America. When you hit that wall of awful smell, you can look down and find a manhole or drainage place nearby. Even in the dorm bathrooms, public bathrooms, or hotel bathrooms the shower drain releases nasty smells all the time. Oh China.

Also, I’ve come to realize that I haven’t seen even one pregnant lady. After I brought this up to the group, they’ve all been searching with me and a couple have told me they’ve actually spotted a few prego ladies but I myself have yet to see one! I will keep you updated on that matter. :D

Next, I used my first squatter! I knew I was going to have to sooner or later but, let’s be honest, I was putting it off as long as possible. This weekend we were traveling, and at the train station I just couldn’t hold it any longer. Then my stomach began to hurt because I was nervous/excited for the train. Well then I started getting more nervous about using the squatty to “relieve myself” so then my stomach started to hurt even more! It was a vicious cycle. Well finally I manned up and just went…. To this day it is still an adventure every time I use the squatty. Oh China.

Enough talk about that! Now here is something that is more interesting: in China, nothing is as it seems. For example:
  • You think are buying candy because of the fun packaging; no, it’s spicy duck.
  • You think you’re ordering a mango smoothie; no, it’s warm corn juice (which is actually super popular here.)
  • You think you’re getting delicious cookies; nope, it’s a meat floss pastry.
  • Chocolate; bean paste (they use beans or bean paste all the time for tons of things, even in drinks you can find beans chillen at the bottom of your cup.)
  • Toilet paper; Kleenex tissue (you aren’t allowed to flush toilet paper here so tissues and toilet paper are like the same thing).
  • Toilet; filthy hole of doom (euphoria happens when you find a public restroom that is actually clean!)
  • Mattress; Fabric covered wood
  • Meat; tofu (All the time. I’ve eaten so much tofu.)
  • Potato; Cube of fat (Normal potatoes aren’t super big here but sweet potatoes are, they are sold on the sides of the streets all the time and they smell amazing!)
  • Soy Sauce; Vinegar (vinegar is provided in the cafeteria instead of soy sauce… is soy sauce just like an American thing that we think Asians use like fortune cookies and orange chicken?) 
And that’s just to name a few of the surprises we’ve gotten!

Picture time!
I found this 3 month old Barley Yogurt (yoghurt) on the shelves in our apartment... so I ate it. It wasn't too bad, actually, and dairy here doesn't have to be refrigerated like it does in the states. The chunks of barley were kinda weird in it but the flavor was good.

And this is another dinner: Some kind of meat (probably pig) and sweet potato, then some pickled cabbage and tofu with carrots and celery, rice with some soy sauce that a girl bought, a meat dumpling, and on the side you can see some shreds of potato that I snagged from another girl's tray. I'm getting more and more used to the food every day and while traveling, I actually miss it (well mostly the consistency of having a square meal 3 times a day.)

I have never really liked crepes before coming to China. At the first stop (by metro) from the school, there is a little crepe place that is so dang good! Mine had whipped cream, bananas, ice cream, and chocolate sauce in it. After eating that, you can't eat anything else sweet for the rest of the day. It's so yummy!

Dried fruit is incredible! Whenever I can find it I stock up. I never really liked it before but my body craves fruit all the time and this is close enough to it. It's the perfect snack because it's usually crunch or chewy, entertains the mouth, has some flavor, but isn't starch or carbs. Love this snack!

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