Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Purple Mountains

I looked out the window and what do I see... tons of Chinese students exercising. (To the tune of Popcorn Popping) Ever morning at about 8:30 all of the students go out on the basketball court and soccer field and do an exercise routine to music on the loud speaker. It's very entertaining!
China produced a yellow watermelon... dare to be different? And yes, it still takes like a normal watermelon but just a bit more bland.

On Saturday we took a trip to the Purple Mountains. We have a list of "Things to see in Nanjing" and almost all of the things listed could be found in the Purple Mountains. So you pay a fee at the front gate then you spend all day walking around from sight to sight. I tried to capture a picture of the millions of stairs in this picture.... China LOVES stairs.

In the new Karate Kid a little Chinese girl tell the boy that these knobs are good luck... so I made sure to get as much luck as possible.
There was this super long path that lead across the park and on either side there were huge rock statues of random animals along the entire path. 

Yea, no significance, just a tiny frog

Haha of course I have to throw these pictures in here. All day people would ask us to take pictures with them, and (you know me) I loved it!

This massive pagoda has a spiral staircase leading to the very top where you could see the most gorgeous ocean of tree tops.

Feed the birds, tuppens a bag... we discovered this incredible grassy amphitheater where there were birds everywhere and soothing music and fountains... it was so fun!

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