Here are some fun tidbits about China that I've been collecting through the week for you guys. First is the fashion:
The style in China is to have no style. There are a lot of mini skirts with tights. I rarely see Asian legs because they almost ALWAYS have them covered with tights. Lots of people look like their G-ma dressed them, but it's totally socially acceptable. This girl on the left is the perfect example, she has a fabric maroon headband, floral shirt that is buttoned all the way to the neck, a bright yellow blazer, plaid pants, plastic kitten heals with a big bow, and a mega colorful bag. Every style works in China. |
I spotted these beauties near the metro the other day. They are bright orange... penny loafers... with sparkly golden heels. |
The branch "rented" this super fancy hotel for us to watch all of the session of Conference in so we gathered here Saturday and Sunday this week. |
After the Saturday session we went out for hotpot for Madi's birthday. You get this pot of broth and let it boil on a heating pad and cook all sorts of different fruits and veggies in it then dip the cooked food in different kids of sauces. It's SO much fun and super social! |
The dessert after hotpot was provided by satan... well Lucifer Yummy Land that is.
Also last week I finished my online math class so we went out to celebrate! We watched Captain America in 3D at the Cinema (which is half-off on Tuesdays and Thursday with a student card) then had these delicious crepes afterwards.
Also, I want to share some ways that I've found how to save money: walk instead of paying for the metro, taxi, or bus; hoard free food from lunch for meals or snacks; invest in a filtered water bottle instead of always buying water bottles; put up with the 4 hour smoke filled K train instead of taking the clean fast train; eat only at mealtimes instead of thinking you need to snack all day; know what you want to buy BEFORE going to the Suguo; and last but not least barter like crazy at all the fun shopping places!
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